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Demanding Accountability from Our Elected Officials

Ignored Voices of the Burin Peninsula

Time and again, the voices of constituents from the Burin Peninsula, including my own, have been ignored, dismissed, and mocked. When we speak up, we’re labeled as uneducated, ignorant, or stupid, and accused of spreading misinformation from simple Google searches.

Concerns Over Wind-Hydrogen Energy Projects

Many people across the peninsula and Newfoundland have expressed their concerns and opposition to the proposed wind-hydrogen energy projects in our province. Instead of being acknowledged, we face ridicule, deception, and are dismissed as misinformed. When an MHA, MP, or even the Premier encounters opinions they don't agree with, they often hide—refusing to address the concerns of the people, blocking us on social media, or even reporting us to get our accounts taken down.

Abuse of Power and Exploitation of Resources

Is this the behavior we expect from our elected officials, or is it the conduct of individuals driven by greed and selfish interests? Sadly, history seems to be repeating itself in Newfoundland, where our natural resources are exploited to make the rich richer, while the poor and struggling are left to tighten their belts even further.

Time for Action

I know I’m not alone in feeling this way. It’s time for the people of Newfoundland and Labrador to take a stand against these abuses and prioritize the best interests of our province.

Call for Resignation of Failing Officials

If our elected officials continue to fail in their duties—neglecting to represent us and ignoring the voices of the people—then they should be held accountable and forced to step down. Let's not wait for a election. MP's, MHA, Ministers, and the Premier, it's time for their positions to be filled by those who are truly committed to serving the people, NOT their bank accounts.

Note: All the issues highlighted in red represent the roles and responsibilities that politicians are failing to fulfill in NL. They need to be removed from office, NOW!

Let's work together as a community to call for the resignations of officials; Mayor @TownofMarystown, Brian Keating and MHA, @PaulPikeMHA.


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