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Justin H., NL

“No way should any company or federal government be in control of our resources without a proper environmental assessment and a vote by the people of Newfoundland."
Little St. Lawrence & St. Lawrence Ariel View.jpg

Save our beautiful peninsula and province!

Fishing in Nature

Learn about our grassroots efforts and advocacy for communities affected by wind energy projects.

Join us at our upcoming community meetings and information sessions.

Discover our initiatives to address the adverse impacts of planned wind energy projects.

Become a part of our community-driven organization and make a difference.


Concerns About Wind Energy (CAWE), a community-driven volunteer group, is focused on advocating, educating, and raising awareness about the detrimental effects of proposed wind energy projects on the Burin Peninsula's environment, culture and history. This includes concerns about impacts on wetlands, bogs, forestry, protected habitats, ecosystems, wildlife, endangered species, water supply, tourism-based economies, culture, archeological and historic sites, and property values. We are all in this together, and your voice matters.

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